After having a lovely harmonious day yesterday, I had a more difficult day today. I am so exhausted, and by afternoon I just wanted to eat everything in sight. In the end I forced myself to decide between a second bag of Special K mini bites or a bar of chocolate - so to be fair, I chose the mini bites. However I did succumb to one measly square of Dairy Milk about an hour ago.
Almost whole days cals used up and I'm pretty darn sure I'll not make it to bedtime without something else! I must be hormonal. I
need food.
Naughty dinner too, we have a family sausage night (don't ask) once a week, and I shall not and will not sacrifice :D
B - Homemade muesli and semi-skimmed milk
S - Banana and packet of Special K mini bites
S - Activia fat free yoghurt
L - Salad with 1 slice lean ham, peppers, tomato, cheese, red onion and healthy living french dressing
S - Clementine, strawberries and grapes
S - Another bag of Special K mini bites
D - 2 thin beef sausages, jacket potato and sweetcorn
J - 1 square of Dairy Milk
Drinks - 1.5 litres so far, will drink possibly another 2 pints before bed.
3 mugs of coffee
Calorie Summary
Daily Cal Quota: 1546
+ Exercise Cals:0
Total Cal Quota: 1546
Calories Consumed: 1509
Calories Left: 37
Cals to Maintain Weight: 2046
Calories (kcal)1529
Protein (g) 64.6
Carbohydrate (g) 203.6
Fat (g) 51.2
Fibre (g) 21.5
Fruit & Veg 5.0
Water (litres) 1.7
Percent Calories From:
Carbohydrate (51.5%)
Protein (17.4%)
Fat (31.1%)
Still no exercise possible as my neck is just too sore. I really hope another couple of days rest and I can get back into it....